In the essay Graven Images, author Saul Bellow exclaims his thoughts on the media and how members of the media present information to the people. Bellow writes his essay to those who consume media in order to display that the media has control over the way that people think. The piece was published in 1997, which was the point in time where the Internet was truly beginning to expand in the consumer marketplace and more and more people had internet access. To aid in his explanation of the media changing the thoughts of people, Bellow employs repetition as well as imagery. Shortly after the writing begins, he speaks of photographers and the feelings that they create, stating, “broadly speaking, your amour propre is the territory invaded by the picture takers,” (564). In Bellow’s statement, he references ‘amour propre’ which, according to Google Translate, means ‘self love’ in French. Based off of this idea, Bellow is attempting to tell the reader that photographers, who are members of the media, cause people to change the thoughts that they have about themselves and cause them to question their self love through the apparent invasion of territory. He continues to repeat this idea of ‘self love’ throughout the entirety of the piece. Later in the essay, Bellow tells about a Time magazine article that was written about him, which ultimately creates credibility. He talks of the picture of himself in the article, writing, “But there was my dreary, sullen, tired, and aging mug. I was brought low by Blake’s words,” (566). The author uses his opinion of the Time article in order to further show how the media has caused him to question his own thoughts about himself. Since the article portrayed him as something that he is not, Bellow began to believe that he is lesser than he really is. In the end, I do believe that Bellow established his purpose efficiently as I now have a better understanding of how the media changes one’s own thoughts. In Graven Images, Saul Bellow illustrates how the media changes the thoughts of the people.
Media Control - The media is able to alter the thoughts of those who consume it without them even realizing.