Thursday, October 20, 2016

TOW #6 - First Look at Nintendo Switch

On October 20th, 2016, Nintendo, a Japanese technology and game company, published a short video titled First Look at Nintendo Switch. The video is quite simply the product reveal of the company’s new gaming and entertainment console that will be called the Nintendo Switch. In 1983, the company entered the video game scene with the Nintendo Entertainment System home console, however it has been quite a few years since their last major success. This video was published after many months of speculation following the release of the Wii U in 2012, which received a lukewarm critical response. Through the video, Nintendo tries to garner up interest in their new system across all ages through the use of stark repetition. Within the first 20 seconds of the video’s start, a bright red screen with the console’s logo animation appears on screen. This same animation is then repeated numerous times throughout the remainder of the advertisement. This repetition is used in order to appeal to the emotions of the audience viewing the reveal. The animation is featured after sequences where a person is disturbed during a gaming session by just everyday life occurrences, such as a dog barking to go outside. The animation then appears with two sides connecting together. The premise of the console is that it is both a home console but can be SWITCHED to be portable. By repeating this animation after seeing the a typical every day occurrence, Nintendo attempts to connect with viewers who constantly feel as though they are on the move and do not have time to relax. Not only this, but the animation also comes after segments that feature adults playing these video games, which attempts to demolish the stigma around video games ONLY being toys for children. Overall, I do believe that Nintendo was successful in their attempts to gain interest in their concept as I personally am now very intrigued. As a modern high school student, I am constantly on the run, but I love to play video games, and this seems to be an answer to this issue.

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