On November 17th, 2016, Apple, the global technological giant, released a short promotional video for their new 2016 MacBook Pro. The video titled “Bulbs” displays various major technological advancements that have occurred throughout history set to a piece of classical music. Throughout the video, Apple exemplifies symbolism and organizes events in chronological order as a means to display just how advanced they believe their newest MacBook to be. Throughout the entirety of the video, lines of hundreds of a light-bulbs throughout an empty city are seen bursting. These light bulbs are displayed in between various technological advancements in history which aids in conveying their purpose. (Apple). The bulbs symbolize that as ideas come together and collide with one another, there is a chance for an explosion of a world of new ideas. Since these bulbs explode one after another, it is clear that Apple is attempting to show the audience that these new ideas work off of one another and are never stopping. These new ideas are then shown in the various chronologically arranged video clips. As soon as the video begins, a figure is seen creating a spark by hitting flint and metal together. This is then followed by an image of a man pushing a stone wheel, which is then followed by images of the first bicycle and steam trains and so on. (Apple). These images show how ideas are based off of one another. With the invention of the wheel shown early on, the bicycle and the steam train were able to be created. On top of that, with the invention of typewriters, keyboards would eventually be made for computers. The video concludes by showing off the new 2016 MacBook Pro, ultimately showing that this new computer is the product of centuries of innovations and new ideas. After watching this video, I do believe that Apple effectively showed off their latest computer. As a person that finds themselves interested in film-making, I believe that this was an outrageously effective presentation.
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