In her article on introversion, KJ Dell’Antonia, a self-proclaimed introvert and writer for the NY Times, aims to show other introverts that they often exhibit that they care more about themselves than others through their border-line antisocial actions. The author chose to write the text after receiving a message from a close friend of hers about a T-Shirt that read, “sorry I’m late, I don’t want to be here”. As a result of seeing this shirt, Dell’Antonia realized that perhaps her introversion affects not only herself, but also those around her. Dell,Antonia is able to achieve her purpose through her appeals to both pathos and logos. She uses multiple statements from psychologists like Susan Cain to show how people do not realize the effects of their actions. In an interview Cain stated, “you have to consider the other person’s point of view instead of getting wrapped up in your own discomfort.” (Dell’Antonia). Since this statement is coming from a well-versed psychologist who actually wrote a book on introversion titled, Quiet, it is quite clear that her word is trustworthy. Cain brings to light that people often do not realize how others are feeling and only think of themselves. She aims to bring this idea forward so that introverts will realize this and think before they act. Not only is this appealing to logos, but also to pathos, as introverts will truly be able to connect with this idea. By considering the feelings of those around them, introverts may feel ashamed of themselves and will want to change their ways. I do believe that Dell’Antonia effectively achieved her purpose as I am a self-proclaimed introvert as well and this was a truly eye-opening experience for me. I now realize that all the times that I have chosen to stay home rather than go out with friends may have upset them. As a result, I will be more conscious of the feelings of those that are important to me instead of just my own.
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